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IS61NVP102418-200B3 Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc |
IS61NVP102418-200B3 Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc |
9 / 35 page Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — www.issi.com — 1-800-379-4774 9 Rev. G 07/10/06 IS61NLP25672/IS61NVP25672 IS61NLP51236/IS61NVP51236 IS61NLP102418/IS61NVP102418 ISSI® ASYNCHRONOUS TRUTH TABLE(1) Operation ZZ OE OE OE OE OE I/O STATUS Sleep Mode H X High-Z Read LL DQ L H High-Z Write L X Din, High-Z Deselected L X High-Z Notes: 1. X means "Don't Care". 2. For write cycles following read cycles, the output buffers must be disabled with OE, otherwise data bus contention will occur. 3. Sleep Mode means power Sleep Mode where stand-by current does not depend on cycle time. 4. Deselected means power Sleep Mode where stand-by current depends on cycle time. WRITE TRUTH TABLE (x18) Operation WE WE WE WE WE BW BW BW BW BWa BW BW BW BW BWb READ H X X WRITE BYTE a L L H WRITE BYTE b L H L WRITE ALL BYTEs L L L WRITE ABORT/NOP L H H Notes: 1. X means "Don't Care". 2. All inputs in this table must beet setup and hold time around the rising edge of CLK. WRITE TRUTH TABLE (x36) Operation WE WE WE WE WE BW BW BW BW BWa BW BW BW BW BWb BW BW BW BW BWc BW BW BW BW BWd READ H X X X X WRITE BYTE a L L H H H WRITE BYTE b L H L H H WRITE BYTE c L H H L H WRITE BYTE d L H H H L WRITE ALL BYTEs L L L L L WRITE ABORT/NOP L H H H H Notes: 1. X means "Don't Care". 2. All inputs in this table must beet setup and hold time around the rising edge of CLK. |
Similar Part No. - IS61NVP102418-200B3 |
Similar Description - IS61NVP102418-200B3 |
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